Featured Distillers

Jian the Monk, Mr. Nhek and Silas.

The three OG’s currently featured, were driven mad long ago by Ensar’s painstaking scrupulousness.

They’ve distilled with his meticulous parameters for years and have tasted the sweet nectar of quality.

The difference? 

Ensar Ouds are produced by EO, according to specific requirements and using hand selected raw materials few are crazy enough to pay for, let alone distill…

However the distillers also have free reign to produce their own ouds, and to satisfy the calling of their artistic spirit revived by their collaboration with EO, they produce quality artisanal oils, but…

They’re produced at costs no industry Exec looks twice at, a price they’d not even pay per tola let alone 2.5 gr…

And so, the Artist – has become the Patron, supporting those he inspired by passing their oils onto you.

You’ll notice the influence of EO on these ouds, and some have even been distilled in the custom-made EO distilleries adding a familiar font to their signature, yet the distiller’s variable process, from grading to grain selection to their style, gives each oud its own unique identity.

So enjoy the Ensar Oud stamp of approval for all ouds featured on the OudBar, rather than risk your money on dealing with shady middle men posing as distillers, and sketchy wholesale sites.

It’s a win-win as you get to enjoy a fine bottle of oud and, in turn, the distillers directly benefit from your patronage.

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